Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I want to be a kite

I want to be a kite. Fly really high. Doing all the crazy things...Going where the breeze takes me...

But I want you to hold me, control me...

Pull me tight when I meet a strong wind that tries to blow me away from you...

I want you to take care of me when I'm going to crash into something.

Save me from all the obstacles...

Find me when I’m lost... I’ll be there somewhere waiting to be found...

But let me fly. Let me fly along with the birds in the sky...

It would be difficult, I know you’d want someone who can take care of herself instead, but if I made it so easy for you, would you still like the chase?

I may go into my extremes, fly so high... In the bright sunlight, you may find it real difficult to find me...

In the dark nights, you’ll not be able to spot me... I may be going crazy on a breezy day, totally out of your control...

But as long as you hold the thread, I’ll be connected to you, following you wherever you go... Trust me, I’m also chasing you...

I want you to take over completely, but yet, never let me hurt, and be the one I can blindly trust... Be the one who’d take the best decisions for me...

If I ever, accidently, hurt your hands while you’re busy taking care of me... May I be lost... Lost in a way that you never find me again...

But I know you’re stronger than I think you are...

And you will show me your strength by never letting me go...

You will let me be the person I want to be, ‘cause I’m only doing things you’d want to see... I’m flying high, but only looking for something far far away, looking for everything that makes YOU happy!

No matter what happens, please don’t leave the thread, or I may lose you forever...

And you will find me with someone else someday, not in a very good condition as I was in before, but only stitched to be used again...


  1. Very thought provoking Khush. I have often thought how wonderful it would be to fly high on the breeze, yet generally it was the free flight of a bird. I never really thought about the relationship between kite and the one holding the string but you put it very well.
    Thanks so much for your kind words. Life is so hectic just now taking a break to read your blog was very relaxing, thanks. Love your Princess doll. Take care, Nita

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